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EuroPlaNet Science Cases

IDIS based its design on a three-step approach:

- During the past years the planetary scientists in Europlanet, supported by the EU FP6 program, defined a set of currently important scientific questions in the field of planetary research: "Science Cases"

- The IDIS team of Europlanet analyzed these Science Cases, collected information about needed resources to answer the related questions in the "Resource Inventory" including persons, laboratories, data sets etc.

- The Resource Inventory was further analyzed and translated into the "IDIS User Requirements Document", around which the 6-node IDIS network was built.

According to their contents the Science Cases were distributed among the nodes for implementation of related services and information access, using the availability of experts in their fields.

The original numbering of the Science Cases was adapted to the IDIS node structure. A complete cross-reference can be found HERE.

A more detailed list of the Science Cases provides links to the related thematic nodes. Many of the originally defined Science Cases are implemented at the responsible nodes, explaining the thematic background and providing information about useful tools and access to related data. New science cases or suggestions to the current ones can be proposed to either the science staff of the node most likely related to the proposed theme (see the direct links to the nodes across the top of this page) or to the Europlanet-RI Network Activity 2 and its working groups supporting these activities. Suggested extensions to the science cases are available in this working document of the NA2 working groups

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